We believe in the power of neighbors supporting neighbors.
In a recent Op-Ed, (The Trentonian; November 20, 2023), a group of concerned nonprofit leaders, including Bernie Flynn, CEO Mercer Street Friends, said the recent growth in food insecurity in Mercer County is unprecedented – they are calling it to “silent epidemic.”
“In the heart of New Jersey lies a shadowed reality that often goes unnoticed amidst our thriving communities—the silent epidemic of food insecurity. Mercer County, a region known for its cultural diversity and economic vitality, faces an escalating crisis that demands immediate attention.”
As the Food Bank of Mercer County, we are rapidly responding by providing food and resources to our more than 100 pantry partners throughout the county. It is through these partnerships we distributed over 6 million meals this year. But the need does not stop and we need your help.
Mercer Street Friends is committed to addressing this critical issue by adding improved resources, educating the community about essential nutrition, and making impactful investments in our food bank to create a brighter, more nourished future for all.
Your gift has the potential to change the lives of your neighbors in Mercer County.
Wishing you and yours a peaceful new year.