After hoorays and hugs at our end of Summer Bridge celebration, we said, “See you in September” to eighty kindergarten through third grade students who enrolled through our Community Schools initiative in the Trenton School District.
We are incredibly proud of the progress that all (200) Summer Bridge students made. Progress in reading and math in the classrooms, fitness in the gyms, gardening, science labs, tennis, rock climbing, practicing yoga and drums, rest assured – no one missed a beat this summer!

Seventh and eighth grade students at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School were treated to an extra week of Summer Bridge.

In partnership with our friends at Princeton-Blairstown Center, middle schoolers experienced a transformative week living and learning in nature led by incredible staff.

Well, that’s a wrap on Summer Bridge 2023! We hope you enjoyed following the students’ journey as much as we enjoyed sharing it with you.
Our outstanding team of Community Schools reading interventionists, case managers, and site coordinators are gearing up for an amazing 2023/2024 school year with exciting new initiatives.
Our commitment to providing comprehensive year-round services to our Community Schools’ students, (and families), is unwavering. We hope you will join us in investing in their academic growth and wellbeing.